Differences between Specialty and Commercial Coffee

 Did you know that there are over 25,000 known varieties of coffee beans in the world? 

That's a lot of options to choose from! 

Differences between specialty and commercial coffee

But when it comes to buying coffee, you might find yourself faced with two main types: specialty and commercial. 

So what's the difference?

First things first, let's define what we mean by "specialty" and "commercial" coffee. 

Specialty coffee is generally considered to be the highest quality coffee available, with specific flavor characteristics and a clean cup (meaning it's free from defects). 

On the other hand, commercial coffee is your standard, run-of-the-mill coffee that you might find at a grocery store or chain coffee shop.

Here are some fun facts and personal experiences that I've had to help illustrate the differences between the two:

  • Specialty coffee is often grown at high altitudes and in specific microclimates, which can contribute to its unique flavor profile. I've had the pleasure of trying coffee from Ethiopia, which is known for its berry and citrus notes. It was a totally different experience from the coffee I normally drink.

  • Specialty coffee is also often single origin, meaning it comes from one specific farm or region. I love trying different single origin coffees and experiencing the variety of flavors that each one has to offer.

  • Commercial coffee, on the other hand, is often a blend of beans from multiple regions and farms. While this can lead to a more consistent flavor, it can also mean that the coffee lacks the unique character of a single origin bean.

  • Specialty coffee is also more likely to be ethically sourced and grown. Many specialty coffee roasters take great care to ensure that the farmers who grow their coffee are paid fairly and treated well.

  • Specialty coffee roasters are also more likely to experiment with new brewing methods and techniques. Cold brew, Nitro coffee, and pour-over are just a few examples of brewing methods that are often found in specialty coffee shops but not in commercial coffee shops.

So, what does all of this mean for you as a coffee drinker? 

Well, it really depends on what you're looking for in a cup of coffee. 

If you're someone who enjoys trying new and unique flavors, then specialty coffee might be the way to go. 

But if you're someone who just wants a decent cup of coffee to get you through the day, then commercial coffee will probably do the trick.

One thing to keep in mind is that specialty coffee is generally more expensive than commercial coffee. 

But, it is worth paying a little extra for a higher quality product that is ethically sourced.

In conclusion, there are some clear differences between specialty and commercial coffee. 

Specialty coffee is considered as the highest quality coffee available, with specific flavor characteristics and a clean cup. 

On the other hand, commercial coffee is your standard, run-of-the-mill coffee that you might find at a grocery store or chain coffee shop. 

The next time you go to buy coffee, I encourage you to consider trying a specialty coffee. 

It may just change the way you think about coffee. 

Are you willing to try a new and unique coffee experience?
